We use business to fight for social justice
Sustainability Report 2023
A conversation about a new way of doing business
Sergi Ferrer-Salat, president of Ferrer, Mario Rovirosa, CEO of Ferrer, and Matthew McCarthy, former CEO of Ben & Jerry's, talk about purpose, activism, leadership and the future of companies.
The year at a glance
Our way of doing business
We are a company that has been looking to do things differently for years; Instead of maximizing shareholder returns, we return a large part of our profits to society and allocate them where they are truly needed. We go beyond compliance and abide by the highest standards of sustainability, ethics and integrity.

B Corp
First Spanish pharmaceutical company to become part of the B Corp Community.
Result of 100.6 points, placing us within the top 25% of all B Corp companies worldwide.

Ethical culture
Integrated Ethics and Compliance System, certified in 2023 with the ISO 37001 standard, by the certifying entity AENOR.
Adherence to the United Nations Global Compact.

Our interdependence
Several transversal programs with our suppliers, licensees and business partners with the aim of multiplying our purpose.
ESG Operating Model Project.
Great People
We promote a people-oriented culture, based on trust and responsibility, in which talent thrives. Because we firmly believe that, only through the effort and involvement of our entire human team and the people with whom we collaborate, will we be able to materialize our purpose.

Professional growth
+114,000 hours of training provided (64h/person).
New Contribution Model to drive development and continuous feedback.

Diversity, equity and inclusion
1,792 people currently work at Ferrer (48% of them women).
45% of management positions are occupied by women.

Health, safety and well-being
6,700 hours dedicated to training to promote wellbeing.
Consolidation of Saftey Walks in 100% of our operating centers.
Liveable Planet
At Ferrer we believe that our activity as a pharmaceutical company must create more environmental value than it consumes, involving our value chain to challenge established norms and thus lead the path towards sustainability, making our planet a more liveable place.
Therefore, we promote the preservation of the environment for our own good and that of future generations.
Learn about our environmental objectives achievements by clicking here.

Climate Action
100% of our electricity consumption comes from renewable sources.
Inclusion in List A of the entity 'Carbon Disclosure Project' for our action against climate change.

Natural Capital
Recovery of 82% of all our waste.
7% reduction of the water footprint compared to 2022.
Collective Action
We explore new forms of collaboration to address our society's most critical challenges. We support people in vulnerable situations, through our foundations, we have the involvement of people who work in the company and we collaborate with other entities and organizations that have been leaders in these issues for years.

Back to society
+10.2 million euros allocated to social and environmental projects.
+ 1 million nutritionally complete meals distributed annually to homeless people.

11,300 hours of volunteering performed.
1,237 people from Ferrer involved in volunteer work.

Barcelona + B.
Board 2030.
Our activity
With the aim of providing significant and differential value to people suffering from serious ailments, at Ferrer we are developing a growing focus on two therapeutic areas: pulmonary vascular and interstitial lung diseases and neurological disorders.
Rare or low-prevalence diseases converge in both areas, frequently lacking appropriate or authorized treatments. For this reason, Ferrer's commitment to research and development of treatments in these areas is crucial to improving the lives of affected patients, as well as to efficiently manage health resources.

Therapeutic areas
Focus on 2 areas with low prevalence diseases.
5 research projects for rare diseases.

Research and development (R&D)
Investment of 55 million euros in R&D projects.
Investment of 38 million euros in industrial assets.